segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2007

Electro Hippies - Play Fast Or Die (1989)

Electro Hippies foi unha banda de proto-grindcore/crust hardcore punk formada en Liverpool, Reino Unido en 1985.

Inda que sempre se mantiveron "underground" durante toda a súa carreira, a súa música influenciou a muitas bandas futuras de crust punk e hardcore punk. Tocaron tamén o que pronto sería o Grindcore (Napalm Death serían os innovadores dese xénero no futuro).

A banda aplicou seriamente o D.I.Y. (do it yourself/faino ti mesmo) que era moi común entre as bandas de crust punk. As letras da banda sobresaen por tratar temas como os dereitos dos animais e vexetarianismo anti-McDonalds.

Os Electro Hippies foron máis coñecidos por ter a Jeffrey Walker (guitarra, cantante) quen despois formaría parte da mítica banda de Goregrind Carcass. Finalmente, a banda se separouse en 1989 lanzando o seu derradeiro álbum.

Acid Rain

Stormclouds gather, watch the raindrops fall,
One by one...

Sulphide smog, covers the fields,
Colours fade, become a blur,
All black and grey, no longer green
Deadly silence, no movement there...

Leaves are shed, from the trees,
Animals gone, in search of food.
Acid rain: Man-made disease,
With no cure, we all lose...

Terror Eyes

Screams pierce the silence as another kill is made.
Another innocent victim is sent to an early grave.
The valleys echo painfully to the sound of tortured death,
The voice of terror screaming with final bated-breath.

Hounds they rip and tear at the bloody, lifeless form.
The signal for the kill is blown on the huntsman's horn.
The ground runs red with blood as the faceless bastards smile.
Another death sentence is passed without a fucking trial.

So get out in the fields, the bastards must be stopped,
Oppose their senseless slaughter, now's the time to act.
The hunters have just one aim - everything must die,
So sab the hunt and show them - it's their end that's nigh.

Profit From Death

Order your fries - an animal dies
Order your burger - cold bloodied murder
Occupy our country, now you want our culture
While a third-world child is eaten by your vultures

Famine spreads under your golden arches
You make me sick, it's time to stop what you've started
Filling kids with lies about meat:
To them its not slaughter, its a speacial kind of treat

While all the time, in the back of your mind
Its "How much profit can I make this time?"
Ronald MacDeath you are insane -
All you want is more from your murder-chain.


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Kultura Livre © 2007 Template feito por Áurea R.C.